Public Consultation

Friends of Wharfedale Greenway survey logo

In the autumn and winter of 2023, FOWG ran a public survey exercise to gauge public opinion on the greenway and any concerns or issues respondents may have. We intend this to inform those planning the Greenway. A sample size of 1,705 was achieved through an online questionnaire over a ten-week period. Respondents were overwhelmingly in favour of the greenway with 95% in support of the proposal.

The report presents the survey results and aims to draw useful conclusions from them.

Connecting the Greenway

Community Engagement

We have been asking you to have a think about what schools, businesses, sports venues etc. you would like to see connected to the Greenway. We have had over 100 locations suggested so far!
Take a look on the map below to see the suggestions so far.

Where would you choose?

Have you completed our survey about places you’d like to see safely connected to the Greenway? It only takes a few minutes.

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